
Posts Tagged ‘Document Set’

On Document Sets

April 15th, 2011 Abed Khooli No comments

Document sets are new in the 2010 version of SharePoint. They are a convenient way to group related documents together and apply various business processes to the set as a single unit. An example would be a business proposal where you may have a Word document, a PowerPoint presentation and an Excel sheet in addition to a short illustration in video format. If these are contained in a document set, you may consider them as a single unit with its own Document ID (if enabled) and specific workflow in addition to all other functionalities like editing properties or declaration as record. A few notes worth mentioning about document sets:

  • Document sets are available in the server version, not foundation
  • A feature (Document Sets) must be enabled at the site collection level before document sets can be used in any library in the sites or subsites
  • Document sets are enabled as a content type (also called Document Set). You must Allow management of content types under Advanced Settings (accessible from Library/Settings), then save to see the new Content Types section on the library settings page.
  • You can add your own custom document sets (preferred, based on the default document set, as a custom content type – from site settings/galleries) and add your own allowed file types for each and even associate specific workflows. You can also create your starter template for each file type
  • If Document IDs are enabled (site collection feature – from site settings), the document set will get its own Document ID and each document within the set will get its own (unique) document ID as well.
  • Document sets show up as a folder in explorer view. In normal view, they show up as a nested library. In the parent library, the Download a Copy button will be disabled for the set, but one can write code to extend the Ribbon functionality and allow downloading the set as a zip file (see
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